
In compliance of the various statutory guidelines, regulations and provisions, as well as the rulings by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, the following Anti-Ragging Committees and Squads have been put in place for over-seeing the implementation of the guidelines, regulations and verdicts on the subject.

As per the guidelines laid down by UGC, the Anti-ragging committee to be nominated and headed by the Head of the University/ Institute and consisting of representatives of civil and police administration, local media, Non-Government Organisation involved in youth activities, representatives of faculty members, representatives of parents, representatives of students belonging to the fresher’s category as well as senior students, Non-teaching staff and shall have diverse mix of membership in terms of level as well as gender.

The Committee shall entertain and process complaints as per the provisions and guidelines stipulated in UGC regulation No. F.1-16/2007(CPP-II) Dated 17th June, 2009 and subsequent guidelines published by UGC, Hon Supreme Court /High Court as well as the Government of Gujarat till today.

Constitution of Anti-Ragging Committee

1. An anti-ragging committee of MAM University has been constituted by the Head of the University – Vice Chancellor comprising
a) Chairman
b) Co-chairman
c) Faculty Members (4 members) including the wardens of girls and boys
d) NGO/Law member
e) Journalist
f) Representative of parents (2)
g) Representative of students from fresher’s
h) Representative of students from senior category


As per the provision, MAM University has constituted a committee to be known as Anti Ragging Committee, to ensure compliances with the provisions of the regulations relating to Anti-Ragging for the academic year 2022-23

The Anti Ragging Committee has a diverse mix of membership in terms of levels as well as gender.

Anti – Ragging Committee 2022-25
No              Name    Category Designation Contact number
1 Prof. Virendra Jain Head/Dean of the University   Chairman 7567660166
2 Dr. Rejoice Macwan Faculty  Representative  (Ayurveda) Member Secretary 8511576246
3 Shri Umeshbhai Dhagat Representative of Civil & Police Administration Member 9825184266
4 Shri Jaydeepbhai  Shah Representative of Local Media Print & EC Media Member 8000399446
5 Shri Prashantbhai Jani   Representative of NGO/Law Involved in Youth Activities Member 9824750585
6 Dr. Meenu Bharti Sharma Faculty  Representative (Ayurveda) Member 6355284334
7 Prof Dhara Vyas Faculty  Representative (NSG) Member   8511104356
8 Mr Parth Parikh Head/ BCA   Member 7802037434
9 Shri Atitbhai Shah Non-Teaching Staff Representative Member 9428658010
10 Shri Amitbhai S. Gupta Parents Representative   Member 9428900117
11 Shri Rakeshbhai Parmar Parents Representative Member   9924477330
12 Shri Bhasvan A Gupta Students Representative (Ayurveda) Member   9313018624
13 Miss Prachi Patel Students Representative (NSG) Member   9924652820
14 Miss Dhvani Gajjar Students Representative (BCA) Member 8849211320
15 Mr Kush Patel Students Representative (BCA) Member 7990883252
16 Miss Gautami Zala Students Representative of Students (NSG) Member 9313018624
17 Mr Sachin Sharma Faculty  Representative (NSG) Member 9428537989

Anti-Ragging Policy

University Campus is a place to find valuable friendship and to cherish unforgettable moments. The MAM University strongly condemn any kind of ragging practices. The students welcome the freshers with flowers and advices and they do not believe in violence or unhealthy practices. The faculty members of the University impart good values with education and that is what sets the MAM University apart.

Ragging constitutes one or more of any of the following acts:

  • Any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student;
  • Indulging in rowdy or in disciplined activities by any student or students which cause or are likely to cause annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student;
  • Asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of 2 shame or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student;
  • Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any other student or a fresher;
  • Exploiting the services of a fresher or any other student for completing the academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of students.
  • Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a fresher or any other student by students;
  • Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse, homosexual assaults, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or person;
  • Any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, posts, public insults which would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating in the discomfiture to the fresher or any other student;
  • Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or any other student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student.

Monitoring mechanism of Anti ragging process

  • The committee will monitor carefully any ragging incidences in the college premises,canteen, college buses, mess area and hostels through frequent raids.
  • The committee will constitute two squads – one for boy’s hostel containing male faculties (Minimum 4 members) and another for girls’ hostel containing female faculties (Minimum 4 members).
  • The committee will meet & conduct minimum of two meetings biannually.
    The committee shall re-constitute every three years.
Functions of the Anti-Ragging Committee at Institute Level
  • To monitor an undertaking in the prescribed format from the candidate concerned on anti- ragging at the time of admission.
  • To address the students and parents by the head of the institutions on anti-ragging committee.
  • To arrange to send letters to parents, guardians of the students at the end of the academic year for creation of awareness.
  • To form monitoring cells (Anti-ragging squad’s faculties for surprise raids).
  • To suggest measures to tighten the security.
  • To report any incident or event to the University anti-ragging committee.

Role and Responsibilities of Chairman

  • To preside the meeting and conduct the business as per agenda
  • To effectively follow the zero tolerance policy to ragging.
  • To monitor and control the activities with respect to anti ragging

Role and Responsibilities of Member Secretary

  • To arrange the meeting and make the notes of the business as per agenda
  • To follow the norms and ethics of anti-ragging committee
  • To adhere to the stipulations and effectively monitor and comply with the provisions made in the directives
  • To submit the report to the Vice Chancellor /Registrar of the MAM University
  • To decide the frequency of meeting but minimum once in each term..

Role and Responsibilities of Members

The members can take the help of the faculty and students as and when required and can also involve them in different activities relating to Anti-Ragging Committee.

  • To keep an alert eye to avoid any of ragging incidence.
  • Walk around the campus to ensure that there is no such activity taking place.
  • Keep reminding students about the severe actions which could be taken against them if they are found involved or indulged in ragging.
  • Make students aware of their respective Institution about the rules and regulations of Anti-Ragging.
  • Informing students about the affidavit and encourage students to fill and submit it in time.
  • Taking ownership in making the environment of the campus absolutely free from Ragging.
  • Actively participation in monthly meeting of Anti-Ragging Committee or as per the scheduled informed to them from time to time.
  • Identify and keep in close observation of the sensitive places of the institute where such incidents can take place.
  • For each ragging incident, the member person is supposed to prepare and submit a complete report including their remarks about the incident for further action to the Head of Anti- Ragging Committee.
  • If any such incident is reported to member or member himself/herself comes across such incidents, he/she has to immediately try to get connected telephonically/face to face to the group of students found/reported to indulge in ragging.
  • The member person will immediately investigate about such incident and will take in written
    from the doer and the culprit.
  • The member person will also try to collect the information Oral and Written from the witnesses and will put remarks of the witness in the report.
  • Simultaneously, the member person will immediately bring to the notice of Head of Anti- Ragging Committee about such happening as first information and later on will submit an exhaustive report to the Heads for further process and action.
  • Since the gravity of the incident will be decided by the report which will get reflected into the decision of the degree of punishment for the defaulter, it is expected from each member person that they make/develop the report with utmost sincerity and care.
  • Each such report submitted to the Head of Anti-Ragging Committee will be further investigated by their own resources in order to reach to a right judgment & appropriate decision.
  • The member faculty of each stream of Anti- Ragging Committee will be in close touch with the heads regarding the report they have submitted to the Head. His/her responsibility will not be over just by submitting the report; rather they may also be expected to be a part of decision. Thus, they are supposed to be in touch with the Head till the final verdict upon the case submitted has come out.
  • Each nominated member of the committee is expected to abide by the SOP.

Protocol to be followed in Case of Incidence of Ragging

  • A Formal complaint will be filed with the Anti-ragging committee/Chairman/ member/ members of anti-ragging squads.
  • Authenticity of the case will be examined by the members deputed by the chairman.
  • Initiation of the enquiry process by the by the members deputed by the chairman
  • After a formal enquiry, the report will be forwarded to the Head of the Institution.
  • Appropriate penalty actions will be recommended to the Head of the Institution as per law.


The following are the penalties that may be imposed on a student.

Minor Penalties

  • Oral/Written Warning.
  • Fine.
  • Suspension from the class for a week.

Major Penalties

  • Fine.
  • Suspending from class for one month/semester.
  • Prevention from appearing University Exams.
  • Prevention form T & P facilities.
  • Suspension from Hostel.
  • Rustication from college.

Administrative Action in the event of ragging

The institution shall punish a student found guilty of ragging after following the procedure and in the manner prescribed herein as under:

  •  The Anti-Ragging Committee of the Institution shall take an appropriate decision, in regard to punishment or otherwise, depending on the facts of each incident of ragging and nature and gravity of the incident of ragging established in the recommendations of the Anti-Ragging Squad.
  •  The Anti-Ragging Committee may, depending on the nature and gravity of the guilt established by the Anti-Ragging Squad, award, to those found guilty, one or more of the following  punishments namely:-
    • Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.
    • Withholding/ withdrawing scholarship/ fellowship and other benefits.
    • Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination or other evaluation process.
    • Withholding results.
    • Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament, youth festival, etc.
    • Suspension/ expulsion from the hostel.
    • Cancellation of admission.
    • Rustication from the institution for period ranging from one to four semesters.
    • Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution for a specified period.
  • An appeal against the order of punishment by the Anti-Ragging Committee shall lie, In case of an order of an institution, affiliated to or constituent part, of a University, to the Vice-Chancellor of the University;

Action to be taken by the Head of the Institution

On receipt of the recommendations of the Anti-Ragging Squad or on receipt of any information concerning any reported incident of ragging, the Head of institution shall immediately determine if a case under the penal laws is made out and if so, either on his own or through a member of the Anti-Ragging Committee authorized by him in this behalf, proceed to file a First Information Report (FIR), within twenty four hours of receipt of such information or recommendation, with the police and local authorities, under the appropriate penal provisions relating to one or more of the following, namely;

  • Abetment to ragging
  • Criminal conspiracy to ragging;
  • Unlawful assembly and rioting while ragging;
  • Public nuisance created during ragging;
  • Violation of decency and morals through ragging;
  • Injury to body, causing hurt or grievous hurt;
  • Wrongful restraint;
  • Wrongful confinement;
  • Use of criminal force;
  • Assault as well sexual or unnatural offences; offences
  • Extortion;
  • Criminal trespass;
  • Offences against property;
  • Criminal intimidation;
  • Attempts to commit any or all of the above mentioned offences against the victims;
  • Threat to commit any or all of the above mentioned offences against the victims;
  • Physical or psychological humiliation;
  • All other offences following from the definition of “Ragging”